Girl vs. Magazine

Monday, February 26, 2017

Hello readers, welcome to Madeleine's blog ! Throughout these couple of months you will witness my journey of Girl vs. Magazine which is a profound analysis in discovering which magazine type is for me and the conclusive results that will come about after many extensive days and long hours of hard work. 

Now, before I start, let me talk a little about myself. My name is Madeleine Zarfati, I am an 18 year old girl in the midst of brining to light an unyielding passion of mine onto paper... well, more like a two-piece spreadsheet magazine. 

Now let's rewind even more before I start, straight to the basics. I selected to do my final project on a magazine instead of an introductory film video because I believe that I can express my creativity better. Not only am I someone who actually reads magazines on a weekly basis, but I find it extremely difficult to create a video that will be able to maintain the balance of captivating the audience and also presenting all the information needed. Honestly... I am also very bad at editing! I would be extremely unsatisfied with myself if I submitted a video to Cambridge which I was not completely satisfied with. I only want to reflect the best upon myself and if i were to create an introductory film I would not be able to do that. 

Let's begin! Selecting an adequate theme for   my magazine was actually a long and tedious process. I was in between two topics: fitness and food. My two favorite absolute favorite things in the world. Although I love both, I could only pick one. This is when I had to emerge myself into the Internet and conduct a fair amount of research to compare the two, this was the end result: 
Image result for a food magazine


- The general focus is cooking and referencing recipes people can use at home.
- Also display entrees or desert platters based upon that certain edition.
- Distinguished recipes for different occasions.
- Recipes for people with different diets.
- Food appeals to everyone it would be relatively easy to target all markets.
- It requires me to post many videos/pictures  of me cooking.


Image result for a fitness magazine- The general focus is body image.
- Provides exercise of weight loss tips.
- Depict models of examples of people who are "fit".
- Demographics target and reflect people between the ages of 20- mid 40's. 
- Most indigestible products by people are purchases within the ages of 20-30.   
- I follow fitness tips/exercises all the time to make time.
- I would easily be able to demonstrate step-by-step images of exercises.
- Promoting heath or weight loss broadens the audience.

After analyzing these comparisons back to back, I ended up selecting.... you'll have to find out in my NEXT blog! 


"Get slim without the gym!" Heath and Fitness. 

Lester, Lisa Yorgey. "Market Focus: Fitness Enthusiasts." Target Marketing, 

Norwick, Hannah. "20 Awesome Food Magazines You Should Be Reading (If You're Not Already)." First We 


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